Bringing Art to Life with Mark Poteat

Mark Poteat, is an Artist/Painter, whose works draw inspiration from art history and personal experience

Browse through the website to explore a collection of unique artworks that blend traditional
techniques with contemporary vision. Each piece tells a story, each stroke carries emotion.

Featured Works

Showcasing my most recent artistic explorations and commissioned projects

About the Artist

With over 15 years of experience in various artistic mediums, I’ve developed a unique style that merges traditional techniques with contemporary themes. My work explores the intersection of nature, urban life, and human emotion.

I’ve always displayed my work across on social media. Also my pieces are now part of several private collections, and I continue to push the boundaries of my artistic expression.

Get in Touch


Contact Information

123 Artist Studio Lane, Creative District, City

+1 (555) 123-4567

Studio Hours

Monday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Weekends: By appointment only